Ecwid – The Best Ecommerce Solution?

*Note: This post contains affiliate links from which I may receive a commission at no cost to you.*

When it comes to e-commerce, the most popular platform is Shopify. However, this is not the only e-commerce platform that is available out there. One strong competitor is Ecwid, an online e-commerce platform where you can also set-up your online shop and then sell. The thing is, Ecwid is going against the flow because it is one of the few platforms where you can set up a store for free.

Before we do our Ecwid review, you are probably one of those online sellers who wished that there is a new platform that is cheaper, more functional, and easier to use. If you are one of them, then you are in luck. Ecwid is a revolutionary platform and it is kind of going against what all of us have been used to.

In the end, you will be armed with enough information to help you decide whether you need to choose this platform or move your store to it if you already have one.

What Is Ecwid?

Ecwid is an online e-commerce platform where you can build a store, upload your products, and charge your customers money for their purchases. It is not a new company, as it has been around since 1999. The company’s goal is to help online sellers to build an affordable store that is easy to use.

Ecwid allows you to customize your online shop fully. Many online platforms do not allow you to do this. With Ecwid, you can even implement the program on any platform, and then you will be ready to sell. It is compatible with CMS and social network platforms.

Here is an example:

  • You already have a blog in WordPress
  • You decide you want to build a store
  • Typically, you have to build a new site.
  • With Ecwid, just implement the app in WordPress, and your WordPress blog becomes an e-commerce store.

It is so simple to use, and you do not even need knowledge about computer programming. You can implement Ecwid on your current platform with only a few clicks on your mouse.

How Much Does Ecwid Cost? (Pricing)

Ecwidis free to use. It is free forever, but you will not be able to get the full suite of services. Despite that, you can build a fully functional online store with a free account.

If you no longer want the free account, just click on the Upgrade button at the top right of your dashboard and you will see the different price points of the platform.

Here are the three paid plans of Ecwid:

  • Venture – this costs $15 per month, and you will be able to create discount coupons, use the CSV export function, and also automate your tax calculations. With Venture, you can only upload 100 in your store.
  • Business – the cost of this plan is $35 per month, and you will get all the benefits of the Venture plan, plus you can now create wholesale pricing, use other marketplaces or sales channels, and upload up to 2,500 products.
  • Unlimited – at $99 per month, you will be able to create a mobile store app, a POS integration with Square, and you will receive priority support. You can upload unlimited products with this plan.

The great thing about Ecwid is that no matter what plan you choose, even the free one, you will not pay a transaction fee for the sale that you made. All plans, except the free one, will also allow you to integrate your Ecwid store with Facebook Shop and Instagram Store.

3 thoughts on “Ecwid – The Best Ecommerce Solution?”

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