MailerLite Review – The Most Affordable Email Marketing Tool

*Note: This post contains affiliate links from which I may receive a commission at no cost to you.*

Do you know that for every $1 spent on email marketing, you can expect a return of $32?

That’s how powerful email marketing really is!

And, with the right email marketing tool, you can grow your business and revenue without any hassles.

In this article, I’ll be talking about the email marketing tool that I’ve been using for years. The tool I’m talking about is MailerLite.

It is often regarded as the most affordable email marketing tool out there? But is it really affordable? Are the features good enough for the money you are paying? Is there any other tool that is better than MailerLite?

I’ll be answering all the questions you have about this email marketing software.

What Is MailerLite?

MailerLite is an advanced email marketing tool that over 500,000 businesses, startups, and freelancers use.

The company started back in 2010 and with a team of only 39 people, have grown MailerLite to be one of the most popular email marketing software.

MailerLite Review

Just like any other email marketing tool, MailerLite comes with several features such as email automation, drag-and-drop editor, email templates, split testing, and more.

But how good are these features? Let’s find that out.

MailerLite Features

What dragged me into MailerLite was the plethora of features it has to offer. Yes, there are other tools out there with more advanced features but MailerLite offers some of the best features at an affordable price.

Moreover, their free plan also includes features such as email automation. No other tool offers this feature in their free plan which says a lot about how great MailerLite is.

Here’s a run-down of all the features offered by MailerLite:

  • Drag & Drop Editor
  • Rich Text Editor
  • Custom HTML Editor
  • Free Newsletter Templates
  • E-commerce Campaigns
  • Landing Pages
  • Popups & Forms
  • Subscriber Management
  • Email Automation
  • Interest Groups (Tagging)
  • Personalization
  • Segmentation
  • A/B Split Testing
  • Deliver by Time Zone
  • RSS Campaigns
  • Auto Resend
  • Campaign Reports
  • Surveys
  • Click Maps
  • Opens by Location
  • Unsubscribe Page Builder
  • Built-in photo editing
  • File Manager

Let’s take a deep dive into the features provided by MailerLite and how it can help you grow your business.

Create Beautiful Campaigns

The ability to create highly engaging campaigns is the most vital part of any email marketing software. Luckily, MailerLite offers some great features to help you create awesome emails.

And this starts with their drag-and-drop editor.

Drag-and-Drop Editor

MailerLite has a very intuitive drag-and-drop editor that helps to create emails seamlessly. There are pre-built blocks you can drag to your email.

MailerLite - Drag & Drop Editor

There is a block for everything and to customize any block, you just click on it and customize it without any troubles. The emails you create are always responsive.

The drag-and-drop editor also lets you integrate your social media posts, add personal elements such as name, and even insert your eCommerce products into the email.

Newsletter Templates

MailerLite can save a whole lot of your time spent in creating emails. And, this can be done by using their free newsletter templates.

MailerLite - Newsletter Templates

There are tons of templates in their template gallery. You can even create and save your own templates for use in future campaigns.

All the templates offered by MailerLite are responsive.

Landing Pages, Popups, & Forms

I really love this feature of MailerLite as it saves your time and lets you create awesome opt-in forms and popups within MailerLite.

You don’t have to purchase any plugin or tool for building landing pages and opt-in forms.

MailerLite - Landing Pages, Popups, & Forms

MailerLite has a drag-and-drop landing page builder with which you can create awesome pages. What’s even better is that you can publish these pages to a custom domain and even embed it on your Facebook page.

MailerLite - Embed Landing Pages On Facebook

They also offer templates for landing pages.

Just like landing pages, you can also create opt-in forms and popups in MailerLite. You can create different types of popups including floating bar, slide-in, full screen, and featured popup.

There are templates for each type of popup.

Unsubscribe Page Builder

It feels really bad when someone unsubscribes from your email list. But, you can now stop that from happening with the help of MailerLite.

MailerLite - Unsubscribe Page Builder

With their custom unsubscribe page builder, you can create beautiful unsubscribe pages.

Deliver High-Converting Email

MailerLite offers so many great features to help you deliver emails that convert. From automation to segmentation, here’s a look at some features that will help you deliver high-converting emails to your subscribers.

Email Automation

One of the reasons why I love using MailerLite is email automation. This is one of the few email marketing tools that offers email automation for free.

You can create automation workflows seamlessly in MailerLite. Here’s a look at the automation workflow I created for my email course:

MailerLite - Email Automation Workflow

You can set an activity to trigger the automation, send emails based on time, trigger emails on link clicks, and more.

MailerLite - Email Automation Delay

All in all, email automation is the best feature of MailerLite for me.

Interest Groups

This nifty little feature makes MailerLite so helpful. With interest groups, you can manage your subscribers more easily.

You can create interest groups and send emails accordingly. You can even let your subscribers choose their interests.


You can personalize your emails using custom fields in MailerLite. You can add as many custom fields as you want.

Personalization can also help you create automated emails during occasions such as birthdays greetings, personal reminders, and more.

MailerLite - Personalization

You can use personalization in your email subject lines to improve your open rates.


Another great feature of MailerLite is segmentation. This feature can help you break your list into specific groups which you can then use to create targeted campaigns.

MailerLite - Segmentation

You can segment a list by interests, email engagement, behavior, geography, time zone, and more.

Track & Optimize Your Campaigns

MailerLite has some of the best features to help you not only track your campaigns but also optimize them. This feature helped me a lot to improve my email campaigns.

Here are the features MailerLite offers to help you track and optimize your campaigns.

A/B Split Testing

Split testing helps a lot when you have a huge list and want to improve your email engagement. MailerLite lets you test your email subject line, from the name, and email content.

MailerLite - Split Testing

You can set rules on how to pick the winner. MailerLite gives you the option to either select the winner automatically or manually.

Campaign Reports

I really love that MailerLite has a very clean user-interface and this helps a lot when checking campaign reports.

Everything is out in the open and you can clearly see how your campaigns are performing. The reports let you track opens and link clicks.

MailerLite - Campaign Reports

Furthermore, it also shows the devices used to view the email.

Lastly, the link activity shows the total number of clicks on the links in your email.

Click Maps

The campaign reports in MailerLite shows the link activity of the links included in your email. But, if that’s not enough for you, MailerLite also offers click maps.

MailerLite - Click Maps

With click maps, you can clearly see where the users are clicking on your email.

Opens by Location

You can also view the geolocation reports of your campaigns in MailerLite. This report shows the opens by location showing which location has the highest engagement.

MailerLite - Opens by Location

MailerLite Pricing

So, we’ve covered all the features of MailerLite.

And, since the beginning of this review, I’ve been saying that MailerLite is regarded as one of the most affordable email marketing software out there.

Does it stand up to this claim? Let’s find out:

MailerLite’s pricing plans are very simple. Here’s a look at their pricing:

MailerLite Pricing

As you can see, MailerLite has a free plan for up to 1,000 subscribers. The free plan has limited features but it’s not as limited as you think.

Regardless, I would recommend the $15/month plan if you really want to get started with MailerLite.

With this plan, you will get all the features and a subscriber limit of 2,500 subscribers. Moreover, if you sign up with my link, you’ll get a free $20 credit that you can use in MailerLite.

In other words, you’ll get MailerLite for free for a month.

MailerLite Pros & Cons

Let’s discuss the pros and cons of MailerLite:

MailerLite Pros

  • Very Affordable
  • Clean User-interface
  • Email Automation
  • A/B Split Testing
  • Intuitive Drag-and-drop Editor
  • Great Personalization Features

MailerLite Cons

  • Undisclosed Approval System
  • Short Delay in Email Delivery

Final Verdict: Is MailerLite The Most Affordable Email Marketing Tool?

Here’s my final verdict on MailerLite:

If you’re someone who is just getting started with email marketing and wants a simple yet professional tool for sending out high-converting campaigns, then you should definitely choose MailerLite.

It’s got everything you need to get started and grow your email list without burning your pockets. Whether you’re a startup, small business, or a blogger, MailerLite is specifically built for you.

I’ve been using this tool for years and never had a single complaint. And, that’s the ONLY reason why I’m recommending MailerLite to you.

Still, if you have any questions regarding this tool, feel free to ask them in the comments section below.


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